Brian Boyer speaks & writes.
I speak and write and lead workshops on process, product, journalism and the jobs of a manager. Here are some favorites.
Show your love, on building membership-powered newsrooms
Newsgeist 2018
Why we ditched AMP (and other UX choices we made for launching membership)
Wordcamp for Publishers 2018
Roles & Goals: Explicit is better than implicit.
Transcript | Slides | Links and worksheets
Our impact is empathy
Frank Gathering 2016
If it doesn't work on mobile, it doesn't work.
Coding for the Future, WVU 2013
Craft is useful!
ISOJ 2012
Design at NPR: Why Should I Carebot? and That One Free Tool
Rules are awesome and GTFO (Because our behavior defines what's normal!)
How We Work, an NPR Visuals manifesto
Want more? Have some blogs!
- Being a manager, more recently on Medium
- Happy Hacks, less recently on Tumblr
- Various articles for Source
- Lots of posts about maps on the old Chicago Tribune News Apps team blog
- My old blog,
- Data Journalism Handbook, an actual book!
- I also tweet rather frequently at @brianboyer.
You in?
Let's talk! I’d love to learn more about your team, and your vision for the future.